Building native iOS and Android apps with NativeScript

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Datum: 28-09-2017 t/m 28-09-2017
Kosten: 25
Organisator: Progress
Telefoon: 0102351111
Plaats: Rotterdam
Locatie: Progress Software

NativeScript is a free and open-source runtime for building native apps with skills you already have – Angular, TypeScript, CSS, and npm. The best part? NativeScript renders truly native UIs – giving your users the best performance and UX their devices can offer. In this workshop you’ll learn how NativeScript works and how to leverage it to build your next mobile app. Then, you’ll dive in and use NativeScript to build an iOS and Android app from scratch. If haven’t yet learned Angular, you’ll learn fundamental concepts while we go along. Come learn how to build native apps with Angular!

In this workshop you will bring your mobile device and laptop, with the software being discussed installed, and have the unique opportunity to learn hands-on, following along with an instructor step-by-step.
