Databricks heeft Databricks Delta aangekondigd, een uniform dataplatform dat de schaalbaarheid en kostenefficiëntie van een data lake, de query performance van een datawarehouse en de low latency van een streaming systeem biedt. Databricks is le...
So, I'm playing a little with words here. I'm certainly not advocating locking anybody or anything in a Data Vault. I want to share how you can lock in success as you design and deliver your new Data Vault. I assume you have your business people full...
The term Data Vault evokes an image of a safe and secure place to store your most important, core data assets. A lot of engineering goes into its design and delivery to ensure it does that job. However, there also is another image - a large, steel do...
Deze workshop met Panos Alexopoulos behandelt de implementatie van Knowledge Graphs en Large Language Models en biedt een uitgebreid raamwerk waarin geavanceerde technieken worden gecombineerd met praktijkcases en oefeningen. Praktische workshop op 20 en 21 mei in Utrecht - schrijf snel in!
Tijdens de jaarlijkse Kennisdag op 19 september maakte Kadenza, BI-leverancier uit Laren, bekend dat Rick van der Lans zich als Ambassadeur aan het bedrijf verbindt. Tijdens de Kennisdag geven Rick - veel gevraagd adviseur, spreker en auteur - en Jer...
Traditional data warehouse approaches are heavy on the IT dependency and upfront data modelling before any data can flow into the system. As a result, the time to value is long and only materialises once the business can start to use the reposts and ...
In the final article of this series, I address the topic of maintaining the data warehouse that has been designed, built, and deployed over the previous three articles. But, maintenance is too small a word for what is entailed!In more traditional IT ...
Having designed and built your data warehouse, I imagine that you’d like to deliver it successfully to the business and run it smoothly on a daily basis. That’s the topic of today’s article.As digitalization continues apace across a...
FMO (Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden) is de ontwikkelingsbank van Nederland. De bank nam haar oude datawarehouse op de schop om efficiënt te kunnen rapporteren over al haar gegevens. Info Support was volgens Rolf Daalder, Dir...
Making Today's Data Rapidly Consumable WEBINAR: Thursday, October 5 10:00 AM BST / 11:00 AM CEST The more diverse and varied data structures become, the more expensive and painful it is for legacy data warehouses to handle the workloads. Data centra...
Over this series of four posts, I explore the keys to a successful data warehouse. Last time, I started with design - a reasonable place to begin! The topic of this post is build, with operation and maintenance to follow.Even with a beautiful design ...