At the end of the 1990s, Andy Hunt and his friend Dave Thomas were working as consultants, helping their clients write better software. At each new company, they found familiar problems.“We’d get to an organization,” Andy told me, &...
Fast-paced and practical, the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference provides the design, development, and deployment training that veteran and aspiring software architects, engineers, and senior developers need.From developer to architectTh...
SDD 2017 features over 100 in-depth sessions and workshops on a wide range of key software development topics, delivered by 40 world-class speakers.The event runs for five days, with the main three-day conference taking place from Tuesday to Thursday...
Generatieve AI opent nieuwe deuren voor analisten met innovatieve tools en mogelijkheden. OpenAI's ChatGPT, bijvoorbeeld, kan worden toegepast in strategische, zakelijke en functionele analyses. Hands-on workshop op 22 mei, met eigen laptop direct aan de slag met ChatGPT en business analyse. Aantal deelnemers beperkt dus schrijf tijdig in.
From October 30th to November 4th the SPLASH Conference took place in the Mövenpick Hotel in Amsterdam. For the first time SPLASH was organised outside North-America and it offered an update on programming, software development and programming langu...
From October 30th to November 4th the SPLASH Conference took place in the Mövenpick Hotel in Amsterdam. For the first time SPLASH was organised outside North-America and it offered an update on programming, software development and programming langu...
From October 30th to November 4th the SPLASH Conference took place in the Mövenpick Hotel in Amsterdam. For the first time SPLASH was organised outside America and it offered an update on programming, software development and programming languag...
From October 30th to November 4th the SPLASH Conference took place in the Mövenpick Hotel in Amsterdam. For the first time SPLASH was organised outside America and it offered an update on programming, software development and programming languages. ...
De SPLASH conferentie, die van zondag 30 october tot en met vrijdag 4 november plaats vindt in het Mövenpick Hotel in Amsterdam, biedt een uniek programma met presentaties door gerenommeerde onderzoekers en wetenschappers over development en pro...
The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery to make it the premier conference at the intersection of programming, languages,...