Eckerson Group heeft haar rapport The Rise of Data Exchanges - Frictionless Integration of Third-Party Data gepresenteerd. Het wereldwijde onderzoeksbureau gespecialiseerd in data-analyse deelde de inzichten over hoe technologie voor gegevensuitwisse...
Cloud data warehousing is increasing in popularity and adoption rates are accelerating. Should you get on board now? Should you plan to migrate to the cloud at some time in the future? Despite the many benefits - scalability, elasticity, performance,...
Data architecture is a challenging and sometimes confusing field. It can be confusing because data architecture means different things to different people and there are many kinds and levels of data architecture - enterprise architecture, technical a...
Deze workshop met Winfried Etzel behandelt de centrale pijler van Data Mesh: Federated Data Governance. Hoe zorg je voor een goede balans tussen autonomie en centrale regie? Praktische workshop van een halve dag op 3 april in Utrecht - schrijf snel in!
Data warehousing in the cloud has become popular as companies are challenged with growing data volumes, higher service level expectations, and the need to integrate structured warehouse data with unstructured data in a data lake. Cloud data warehousi...