Dr. Barry Devlin behoort tot de autoriteiten op het gebied van business insight en is een van de grondleggers van datawarehousing. Met meer dan 30 jaar ervaring in IT, waarvan 20 jaar bij IBM als "Distinguished Engineer", is hij een alom gewaardeerd consultant en docent, en auteur van het standaardwerk “Data Warehouse – from Architecture to Implementation.” Zijn meest recente boek “Business unIntelligence: Insight and Innovation Beyond Analytics and Big Data” verscheen in 2013. Hij is oprichter van 9sight Consulting, gespecialiseerd in de menselijke, organisatorische en IT-implicaties, en het ontwerp van oplossingen voor diepgaande inzichten in de business. Barry sprak op ons jaarlijkse congres DW&BI Summit.
As is the case in all areas of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) now appears constantly in every aspect of decision-making support: embedded in business intelligence (B...
Living in a vault, especially of the underground variety, doesn't sound too pleasant to me. However, a vault can also mean a roof in the form of an arch, as in a cathedral. To...
So, I'm playing a little with words here. I'm certainly not advocating locking anybody or anything in a Data Vault. I want to share how you can lock in success as you design a...
The term Data Vault evokes an image of a safe and secure place to store your most important, core data assets. A lot of engineering goes into its design and delivery to ensure...
In the final article of this series, I address the topic of maintaining the data warehouse that has been designed, built, and deployed over the previous three articles. But, m...
Having designed and built your data warehouse, I imagine that you’d like to deliver it successfully to the business and run it smoothly on a daily basis. That’s th...
Over this series of four posts, I explore the keys to a successful data warehouse. Last time, I started with design - a reasonable place to begin! The topic of this post is bu...
Over this series of posts, I explore the keys to a successful data warehouse, starting with design. The topics for future posts are: build, operation, and maintenance. In the ...
This is the last part of Barry Devlin's blog trilogy on big data. Click here to read the first blog, in which he discusses the business disruption and reinvention caused ...
This is the second part of a blog trilogy on big data. Click here to read the first blog, in which he discusses the business disruption and reinvention caused by big...
Big data continues to amaze with its longevity at the top of the hype cycle. While we still hear the occasional paean to its enormous size and growth, most of today’s storie...