Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies such as PepsiCo rely on the seamless communication between a large interconnected network. In order to be successful, this network must include suppliers, production facilities, logistics partners and retailers. With a heavy reliance on coordination, each member of this network generates information in a wide variety of volumes and formats - making it difficult for CPG organizations to effectively leverage information in a timely manner to forecast sales, update production schedules, and define logistics efforts. This large volume of data poses a challenge for the CPG organization when executing a variety of business processes.
Join Hortonworks & Trifacta for a live webinar discussing how PepsiCo’s Collaborative Planning Forecasting & Replenishment (CPFR) team is leveraging the joint solution from Hortonworks & Trifacta to transform the process of making raw retail sales and inventory ready for analysis. During this webinar you will learn:
• What are the top data and analytics challenges facing today’s CPG organizations
• Why Excel and Access are unable to handle the growing volume and variety of data that makes up CPG analytics
• How PepsiCo is leveraging this joint solution from Hortonworks and Trifacta to reduce analytic build time by 90%
Live online Feb 16 19:00
or after on demand
60 mins
Presented by Eric Thorsen, Hortonworks; Will Davis, Trifacta
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