As your cloud deployments grow, visibility and compliance across disparate cloud resources is critical for infrastructure design, deployment, and management. In this webinar, we'll demonstrate how the CloudHealth® platform integrates with Ansible Tower to use inventory data to create meaningful business groups that will provide visibility of cost, usage, performance and security data across your entire infrastructure. We will also discuss how to build effective policies that provide insight and governance into cost, security, and optimization.
Key takeaways will include:
* Grouping assets like your Ansible inventory to drill down into your infrastructure’s cost, usage, and performance
* Scoring resource utilization of databases, workers, web servers and everything else based on expectations of your business
* Simplifying day-to-day cloud management by receiving notifications of issues before they disrupt the business
Thu, March 3, 2016 at 2PM EST
Presented by
Justin Nemmers, Senior Manager, Product Marketing, Ansible
Steve Frank, Director of Platform Development, CloudHealth Technologies
Dylan Silva, Product Manager, Ansible
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