IT is all around us. It impacts daily business more and more everyday. You may already be one of the frontrunners riding the wave of digital transformation, or you may be exploring how to embark on that journey to get IT ready for the digital wave. The fact is, we (Information Technology) have become a critical factor to the success of business. Change is required as there is simply no longer a business that is not an IT business. But how do we master that change? What does it really take to get the organization ready? Join us for this complimentary, educational webinar in which we will provide you insight and advice into a successful transformation of your IT organization.
Technology can never replace a non-performing organization, but how to get the benefit of a high performance organization?
In this webinar we will scrutinize hot topics such as DevOps, Lean, Agile, SIAM, and Digital Transformation. We will take a look at how developments in the field of IT Service Management and workflow tooling impact IT delivery processes such as ITIL and SDLC, which open up new opportunities to accelerate and create business value. What is the common denominator, and what does it take to leverage the potential of all these developments? You can move forward with the end state in mind, and be assured that today’s actions will not need rework tomorrow.
What you will learn
- Which metrics really matter
- How to transform your IT organization into a high-performance organization
- What makes up the IT ecosystem and what you need to truly make it yours
Who should attend?
- Management and other business stakeholders seeking to increase the value of IT to their customers
- IT professionals seeking to mature their organizational capabilities
- Training & Development professionals in the field of IT
The Presenter
Tijs Clous is Managing Partner with Quint and leads the North American Consulting Practice. His key involvement in a multitude of projects around the globe has helped many IT organizations transform into high performance organizations. He brings years practical experience assisting some of the world’s largest companies streamline and accelerate their capabilities.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
8:30 am (New York - Eastern US)
2:30 pm (Amsterdam / Western Europe)
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