The Global Hackathon series is a community-centered event. It is run by local event organizers around the world. Amsterdam is one of the 15 cities to participate in the first season of the hackathon series.
The first ever Global Hackathon series is kicking off with Artificial Intelligence. Whether you are an expert or a newbie in AI, we welcome you to join this event and work with your local innovator community to prototype and find solutions to real world problems.
Challenges will be announced globally during the kick off of the event, and attendees can pick one of the challenges to work on either by themselves or with a team. After two days of hacking and prototyping, teams have the option to showcase their projects on stage. Your local audience will pick 3 winners, one for each challenge, prizes TBD.
Fri, Jun 23, 2017, 7:00 PM –
Sun, Jun 25, 2017, 6:00 PM CEST
Free admission
Initiated by
More information & Location
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