Susan Laine is Chief Technologist and Data Thought Leader at Quest Software. Three years ago Quest Software acquired data management and modeling specialist erwin and in September this year erwin Data Modeler 14 was released together with erwin Data Intelligence.
In this interview Susan Laine tells BI-Platform about the vision of Quest Software, the 7-step approach to data maturity, the need for improved data quality, the Data Marketplace, AI and more.
00:00 Introduction
00:15 Erwin has long been known for its industry leading data modeling tools. What is the vision behind expanding beyond just data modeling?
00:58 Where is the user benefit?
01:22 The 7-step approach to data maturity is an established erwin methodology. Can you tell me more about the seven steps and where you are taking it.
02:52 You have been speaking at AI conferences. Specifically, “why you need DI for AI”?
03:43 With the growing need for improved Data Quality, tell me how you clients are benefiting with DQ embedded in your catalog?
05:17 What has been your most significant disruption in the past year with the erwin solution?
06:21 What are some of your key strengths that clients appreciate with the erwin solution?
08:05 Roadmap. What are some of the capabilities that you are excited about in the upcoming releases?
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