Delivers Latest Technology Advancements in Data Integration, Big Data and Cloud Data Services.
Pentaho Corporation, already known as a leader in ETL with its Pentaho Data Integration product (Kettle), today announced the availability of the Pentaho Enterprise Data Services Suite. This new data services platform is designed to streamline and simplify the complicated and costly process of accessing, integrating and preparing data for analysis. Enterprise data architects, CIOs/CTOs and enterprise BI users have long known that the most critical and challenging success factor for business intelligence projects is effective data integration and preparation. The Pentaho Enterprise Data Services Suite provides a comprehensive, integrated set of tools to access virtually any data source and then integrate and prepare that data for end-user analysis, reports and dashboards. This new enterprise data services platform is available as an On-Demand or On-Premise solution and includes enterprise-class data integration, data uploading, metadata and data optimization tools for practically any enterprise or cloud-based data sources. The release of Pentaho Enterprise Data Services Suite is in conjunction with the general availability of Pentaho Data Integration 4.1 and the Pentaho BI Suite 3.7. Both releases include versions with support for Hadoop and are available for download starting today. Pentaho Enterprise Data Services Suite includes:• Pentaho Data Integration Enterprise Edition, a comprehensive and highly scalable ETL development and management toolset for data integration and for building and managing data mart and data warehouse projects. Pentaho Data Integration’s graphical, drag-and-drop environment includes access for all common data sources, including leading open source and proprietary RDBMS, packaged applications such as and SAP and a variety of flat file formats. Over 150 pre-built mapping objects are included as well as support for advanced data integration concepts such as slowly changing dimensions and enterprise information integration (EII). The solution also includes the Agile BI unified ETL, modeling and data visualization development environment. • Cloud Data Services, a set of easy-to-use services that eliminates the complexities of moving data to the cloud. Through the Pentaho Enterprise Data Services Suite, users can easily upload data and immediately begin making sense of that data. There is no software to install, no hardware to purchase, and no additional IT infrastructure to maintain.• Big Data Services, comprehensive integration with Hadoop designed to lower the technical barriers to using Hadoop for Big Data projects. ETL designers and data architects can now harness the power of Hadoop with zero programming. This simplifies the use of Hadoop for analytics including file input and output steps as well as managing Hadoop jobs. • Metadata Services, simplify the Agile BI process by enabling users to specify what they want to accomplish and having the metadata created and carried through the entire process, from data access through transformation and preparation. This also includes project and process management tasks such as versioning and team development.• Analytic Data Services, puts rich, analytic power in the hands of users. Powered by Pentaho’s sophisticated ROLAP engine and wizard based aggregation tools, analytic data services enables speed-of-thought response times to complex analytical queries. Source: Pentaho.2 april 2025 Schrijf in voor al weer de twaalfde editie van ons jaarlijkse congres met wederom een ijzersterke sprekers line-up. Op deze editie behandelen wij belangrijke thema’s als Moderne (Native-Cloud) Data Architecturen, Datawarehouse Desi...
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