In this interview, online from Cornwall (UK), Barry Devlin shares his views on the new architecture frameworks Data Mesh and Data Fabric. He discusses the bottlenecks a Data Mesh tries to solve, the difference with the data silo, tools and capabilities to implement a Data Fabric, and gives his view on the Data Lakehouse.
Dr. Barry Devlin is among the foremost authorities on business insight and one of the founders of data warehousing, having published the first architectural paper in 1988. As founder and principal of 9sight Consulting, Barry provides strategic consulting and thought-leadership to buyers and vendors of BI solutions. He is continuously developing new architectural models for all aspects of decision-making and action-taking support.
Barry will present his keynote Cutting Data Fabric and Mesh to Measure on March 30 at the Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence Summit.
Also, Barry will present a two-day seminar on this subject, Untangling Data Mesh, Fabric, and Lakehouse, on June 8th and 9th in the Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht.
All our video interviews by BI-Platform will also be published on our YouTube channel. Stay tuned and feel free to subscribe.
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