Data Vault 2.0 is more than a modeling approach. It is an invaluable methodology that adds value to an array of data warehouse projects. If you are trying to manually create a Data Vault, you have hundreds of decisions to make and tens of thousands of lines of code to write.
This session shows you how to deliver Data Vault solutions to the business faster, at a lower cost, and with less risk. Whether you are just starting out, or want to improve your current approach to Data Vault, attend this session and see how to prototype a working Data Vault in under 30 minutes.
We will explain and demonstrate why the implementation of Data Vault and its advanced data warehousing capabilities is perfectly suited to Data Automation tools to add speed and reliability, making sure they work the first time. Once up and running, automation can save many hours of repetitive work and problem-solving by handling the complexity that arises when your project scales and incorporates more source systems and business requests.
This session also includes a short demonstration of WhereScape Data Vault Express, a product proven to automate the entire data vault lifecycle.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
10:00 CET / 17:00 SGT – duration 30 mins
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