On September 12th en 13th the Big Data Expo took place in the Jaarbeurs Utrecht, The Netherlands. BI-Platform made a series of interviews at the Expo with various Data Professionals. In this interview the Dutch Bob van Luijt, co-founder and CEO of Weaviate, that develops an open source vector database with the same name, describes the Weaviate product and the specifics of a vector database.
An insight into the developing world of Generative AI, where you can have a dialog with your data. Bob's advice: Tap into the excitement and start building!
0.00 Introduction
0.18 What is the Weaviate product line?
0.57 What is a vector database?
2.21 What are the consequences of the rise of Gen AI?
4.22 Comparing US and Europe: what is the state of development in AI?
6.08 What should Europe do to catch up?
7.04 How will AI deployment develop in the data field?
All video interviews recorded during the Big Data Expo 2023 will appear on our YouTube channel. Stay tuned and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
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