Why is there no programmer role in Scrum? Why do Agile teams welcome change even late in development? And how can you possibly work with tens of teams on the mainline without any branching?In this talk we will discuss how Agile programmers craft work...
Global Azure Bootcamp. This year, mStack organizes a location for the Global Azure Bootcamp and we are helping them to organize it. The day is meant to help you learn about Microsoft Azure! During the day, there will be technical presentations around...
After the success of the last CQRS & ES meetingt, Dennis Doomen is going to tell us about his practical experience in his session: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly - An Event Sourcing Retrospective:"In 2009, I first learned about Event Sourcing and...
Het modelleren met toenemende mate van detaillering, de analyse en het (her)ontwerp van business processen. Praktische training met methoden, technieken, valkuilen en best practices door dé autoriteit op dit terrein, Alec Sharp. Drie intensieve dagen op 10, 11 en 14 april in Utrecht.
Gill Cleeren is going tell us all about Xamarin Forms in his session, Practical Xamarin.Forms.In this session, we are taking the practical approach: together, we will build a full application with Xamarin.Forms. Not many slides, just code. And a work...