PDF artikelen archief

Online archief van PDF artikelen van enkele gerelateerde Array-vaktijdschriften, zoals Database Magazine, Software Release en Java Magazine, uit de periode 2000 - 2011.

What a Database and a DBMS Are

Based on experience, my guess is that the reaction to this article will be about my arrogance and mistreatment of Hillyer; nobody will really express concern about the misleading effect of his pronouncements on many of his readers. Indeed, instead of being concerned that so many are ignorant of the basics, Hillyer comforts himself for being "in good company", If you ever wondered how ignorance can be so profound and widespread, well, this is but one example of the responsible mechanism, and the culture in which it operates.

Trefwoord(en): Column
Publicatie datum: 17-06-2005
Magazine: DBM jaar: 2005 nummer: 4
Auteur: Pascal, F.
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17-06-2005  |   PDF
