In the age of digital transformation and disruption, your ability to thrive depends on how you adapt to the constantly changing environment. MongoDB 3.4 is the latest release of the leading database for modern applications, a culmination of native database features and enhancements that will allow you to easily evolve your solutions to address emerging challenges and use cases.
In this webinar, we will introduce you to what’s new, including:
- Multimodel Done Right. Native graph computation, faceted navigation, rich real-time analytics, and powerful connectors for BI and Apache Spark bring additional multimodel database support right into MongoDB.
- Mission-Critical Applications. Geo-distributed MongoDB zones, elastic clustering, tunable consistency, and enhanced security controls bring state-of-the-art database technology to your most mission-critical applications.
- Modernized Tooling. Enhanced DBA and DevOps tooling for schema management, fine-grained monitoring, and cloud-native integration allow engineering teams to ship applications faster, with less overhead and higher quality.
This session also includes a live Q&A portion during which you are encouraged to ask our team questions.
December 14, 2016
12 PM EST | 9AM PST | 5 PM GMT
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