
Are Developers Right to Distrust Low-Code Solutions?

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Professional developers hate so-called 'black boxes' that spit out code or full applications but make it difficult or unnatural to customize. Low-code, on the other hand, is simply a tool whose value is derived from the pro developers who use it. Part I of a series.

Low-code gets a bad rap due to an “impenetrable black box” perception, which is understandable considering developer reluctance to run mission-critical services on something over which they have no control. But low-code isn’t no-code, and the right low-code solution based on open standards can be invaluable in an era of “more apps—faster.”

Developer Tools Are Continuously Developing
The application development world is continuously changing, evidenced by the analyst community’s frequent revisions of their various categories, definitions and scope of app dev tools and platforms. The continuous state of industry flux is fueled by organizations clamoring for a single platform and tool set that can help them deliver multichannel customer experiences quickly.

Traditional low-code vendors are struggling to adapt because their dated architectures were initially designed for desktop or web apps, while today’s demand is for customer-grade apps spanning desktop, web, mobile, wearables and chatbots.

“More apps, faster” really means, “more apps, faster, that run anywhere.”

A True Low-Code Solution is an Open Box
The answer to increased productivity in a fast-paced environment shouldn’t be the extreme of black boxes, but a low-code solution that’s an “open box”—based on open standards and with a full view of the source. Low-code at its core is merely a tool whose value is derived from those who use it—and that calls for a professional developer, not a no-code business user.

Low-code for pro developers is really about writing once and running across platforms, while maintaining full control over the user experience. Progress embraces that philosophy, producing tools by developers for developers and embracing open source like NativeScript, where developers capitalize on their existing JavaScript skillsets. Code-sharing between NativeScript and Angular's platform-neutral architecture across Android, iOS and web increases productivity.

Then there’s the development architecture. App development was already complex; today’s expectations include limitless scalability across multiple channels, compounded by a rapid shift to cloud-based development using containers and microservices. Development teams need to meet those expectations while maintaining focus on the user experience.

Progress gets that, which is why they invested in Progress Kinvey—a secure, modern serverless cloud platform that manages and auto-scales all enterprise app infrastructure across cloud services, microservices and functions.
Learn More

I recommend the Progress whitepaper “Low-Code Platforms: What Developers Think and Why.” Based on feedback from 5,000+ developers, it answers questions for decision-makers, including:
• What are the biggest challenges in app delivery according to pro developers?
• How do pro developers feel about low-code strategies?
• Where are the opportunities to improve application development?

Mark Schafron is a Senior Copywriter for Progress.


