On July 9th, IBM introduces IBM Cognos Analytics on Cloud. In our last release, we re-wrote the book on what’s possible for non-specialist users to accomplish in business analytics. What will you be able to achieve with our newest release?
You and your business will have the power and insight of AI-infused, modern business analytics at your fingertips—no matter the size of your organization, from SMBs to single lines of business. Access sophisticated analytics that are powered by AI and machine learning to stay on top of your market and to quickly pivot to respond to changing market conditions.
You’ll learn about Cognos Analytics’ new features along with the ease of use that makes it a snap for business users, the insight that helps you use advanced analytics to better predict demand for your goods and services, the ability to identify and target different audiences in marketing campaigns and more. If your business faces challenges making sense of your data (or time to spend making sense of your data), Cognos Analytics on the Cloud helps you produce actionable insights in no time.
• Ease of use – an AI assistant that lets you enter queries and receive answers in plain language while also providing guided exploration of your data
• Unbiased truth – detailed information about your data visualizations, uncovering trends and drivers you might not even know to look for
• New data to explore – you get recommended related areas of exploration based on your current selections
• Fast, simplified data preparation – using built-in intelligence to recommend data joins and new ways to blend data from different sources
• Improved collaboration – making it easy for users to share their findings in a secure environment
Tuesday, July 09, 2019, 11:00 AM EDT
Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 11:00 AM CEST
Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 03:00 PM AEST
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