Many enterprises are already running Kubernetes in production, but they are running into limitations with legacy architectures as they try to mature and expand their footprint. Diamanti’s Kubernetes management platform breaks from legacy architectures to deliver turnkey solutions that are simple and cost effective on-premises and in the cloud, allowing enterprises to focus on their applications and not on infrastructure complexity.
Join industry expert, author, and analyst Ned Bellavance and Diamanti CEO, Tom Barton on Thursday, September 17 at 10 am CEST to learn:
• How the industry is responding to the challenges of 2020
• The common challenges enterprises face as they try to grow from 4 or 5 clusters to 20+ Kubernetes clusters
• The new capabilities of Diamanti Spektra 3.0 and the customer use cases from the recently completed early access program
• A demo of Diamanti’s Kubernetes management platform
Thursday Sept 17
10 am CEST
18 t/m 20 november 2024Praktische workshop met internationaal gerenommeerde spreker Alec Sharp over het modelleren met Entity-Relationship vanuit business perspectief. De workshop wordt ondersteund met praktijkvoorbeelden en duidelijke, herbruikbare ...
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