Datum: | 12-11-2021 t/m 12-11-2021 |
Kosten: | 149 |
Organisator: | PDS b.v. |
E-mail: | coert.bosker@pds-site.com |
Website: | https://www.appmanagevent.com |
Telefoon: | 0885588400 |
Plaats: | Utrecht |
Locatie: | Media Plaza - Jaarbeurs |
Since 2006, AppManagEvent is the annual industry event for IT Professionals to receive the latest updates on themes including Deployment, Security, MSIX, Win10 management, IAM, IT Infra, Privilege Management, Patch Management and related topics.
After a pause due to Covid-19 in 2020, AppManagEvent will be organized for the 15th time on Friday November 12th 2021
AppManagEvent is the annual industry event for IT Professionals to receive the latest updates on themes including Deployment, Security, Application Virtualization, MSIX, Win10 management, Identity Management, IT Infra, Privilege Management, Patch Management and related topics.
Get a chance to meet the people behind the Windows Installer Technology, Application virtualization techniques and Windows Security in an informal and intimate atmosphere.
Experience and listen to keynotes and technical session from top international speakers including Sami Laiho, Paula Januszkiewicz, Jeremy Moskowitz, Microsoft MSIX Team, Tim Mangan, Peter Daalmans, Johan Arwidmark, Kent Agerlund (the list goes on) who share their insight as subject matter expert.
Get inside product management views from industry leading companies who influence these technologies like Flexera, Raynet, Advanced Installer, Rimo3, PolicyPak + many more. Get a chance to meet the people behind the Windows Installer Technology, Application virtualization techniques, Deployment and Windows Security in a unique informal and intimate atmosphere.
One day with great Speakers, Tech Content, Solution vendors in a professional atmosphere and inspiring location: Jaarbeurs, SuperNova, Utrecht, The Netherlands
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