Ellie & Datavault Builder: Integrate more efficiently by using APIs

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Datum: 20-01-2022 t/m 20-01-2022
Kosten: for free
Organisator: Datavautl Builder and Ellie Technologies Inc.
E-mail: contact@datavault-builder.com
Website: http://datavault-builder.com/
Telefoon: +41325112789
Plaats: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/2616419274159/WN_JjTW7j5ERL6_jz_599XD0A
Locatie: online

Organize your data with a business-driven focus. Drive your technical solution. Capture and structure your business terminology and requirements in Ellie and generate your Data Vault solution in Datavault Builder.

In this webinar, we will give you an update on how these 2 industry-leading tools in their realm work together and integrate using their corresponding APIs and can help you to become better organized and more productive than ever before.

Ellie is an intuitive cloud-based visual modeling tool with enterprise-level business glossary and information architecture features. Developed by Ellie Technologies Inc., it's used around the world for managing and understanding core data assets in diverse industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, and insurance.

The Datavault Builder is a 4th generation model-driven end-to-end Data Warehouse automation tool covering all aspects and phases of a Data Warehouse including Design & Development, Lifecycle Management, & Operations.

This Webinar is hosted by Datavault Builder
