This session will show you how to:
Deliver projects faster
Reduce time to production by 80%
Create IT advocates
Know your data
Prototyping is a feature of the automated data warehouse lifecycle that skips several time-consuming steps. It allows the customer to visualize the design of the architecture they have requested, with full lineage, before the complete build takes place.
While most people know WhereScape for its automated code generator that eradicates repetitive hand-coding tasks, prototyping is another major way in which the software can save huge amounts of time and resources.
The switch to Agile methodologies has brought closer business collaboration to IT departments at many successful companies. But without Agile tooling, this is all talk, and as they say, a picture speaks a thousand words. WhereScape drastically accelerates the prototyping process by automating the scoping, designing, and modeling process.
Thursday, March 9, 2023
09:00 PT / 11:00 CT – duration 30 mins
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