
Mike Ferguson on Generative AI in Data Management and Analytics

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Mike Ferguson presented his session Generative AI in Data Management and Analytics - a new era of assistance, productivity and automation during the Data Warehousing & BI Summit in March this year. In this session he looked at the impact generative AI is having on Data Management, BI and Data Science and what it can do to help shorten time to value. In this follow-up video interview with BI-Platform, Mike talks about how Generative AI is being applied in Data Management and the considerations to integrate Generative AI into Data Management strategies.

00:00 Introduction
00:33 1. Can you give some examples on how generative AI is being applied in Data Management?
03:48 2. What are key considerations for organizations looking to integrate Generative AI into their Data Management strategies?
07:26 3. What ethical and privacy considerations should organizations keep in mind when implementing Generative AI in Data Management and analytics?
11:41 4. What strategies do you recommend for continuously monitoring and improving the performance of the Generative AI functionality they use?
15:30 5. How do you address transparency and explainability-concerns in the use of Generative AI.

Mike Ferguson is Managing Director of Intelligent Business Strategies Limited. As an analyst and consultant he specialises in Business Intelligencem, analytics, data management, big data and enterprise business integration. With over 40 years of IT experience, Mike has consulted for dozens of companies on Business Intelligence strategy, technology selection, enterprise architecture, and data management.

All our video interviews with speakers of the Data warehousing & BI Summit by BI-Platform will also be published on our YouTube channel. Stay tuned and feel free to subscribe.
