While re-reading the Microservices article by Martin Fowler, I was triggered by the following footnote #7: We can't resist mentioning Jim Webber's statement that ESB stands for "Egregious Spaghetti Box". I viewed the presentation - from 2008 - in which Jim Webber and Martin Fowler bash the Enterprise Service Bus and translate the acronym ESB into Erroneous Spaghetti Box.
I do agree that often, the integration platform simply contains a spaghetti of point-2-point integrations. But that's good! Way better than all that integration logic dispersed over many systems. With a wide variety of integration techniques, protocols and message formats. And spaghetti in a box is exactly what I tell when explaining what an integration platform is. Only by taking the next step of careful service and message design, one can arrive at a true Service Oriented Architecture.
Let's sum up the main advantages of an integration platform:
With the disadvantages:
Where Webber and Fowler do have a point, is that middleware vendors come with a whole slew of products. Obviously one should only pick the parts that are useful. And the ESB will definitely not create the Service Oriented Architecture for you.
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