With the need for analytics in the workplace, universities are now starting to offer advanced degrees in business analytics. These programs teach the next generation the value of business analytics and help fill a skills gap in the industry.
In this 45-minute webinar, you'll hear how universities are building their business analytics programs and developing curriculum to teach modern analytics. In this presentation, we will discuss:
* The business analytics programs at Babson University and Southern Methodist University
* The use of data visualization in these programs, including the use of Tableau
* An overview of the syllabus for the data visualization courses
* A review of what has worked well in teaching modern analytics and data visualization to students
March 11, 2016
Time: 10:00 am PST
Hettie Tabor
Director, Southern Methodist University (SMU) Master of Science in Business Analytics
Ruth Gilleran
Senior Lecturer of Information Technology, Babson College
Register: http://www.tableau.com/community/events/how-universities-are-filling-analytics-skills-gap
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