PDF artikelen archief

Online archief van PDF artikelen van enkele gerelateerde Array-vaktijdschriften, zoals Database Magazine, Software Release en Java Magazine, uit de periode 2000 - 2011.

Assembling Cars, disassembled Minds

The notion that OLAP/DW data do not require integrity is somewhat of an illusion. DWs must be populated quite often and, given that most OLTP databases that are denormalized do not deploy the necessary constraints, chances are that their integrity is questionable. In absence of integrity enforcement at the DW level, the risk of inconsistent data is considerable (note that the same is true of even historical data, which is also read-only).

Trefwoord(en): Column
Publicatie datum: 09-09-2005
Magazine: DBM jaar: 2005 nummer: 5
Auteur: Pascal, F.
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09-09-2005  |   PDF
