KendoUI is an impressive HTML5 user interface framework for your apps. It has an equally impressive story for accessing data for its data management components. Kendo UI enables developers to create modern websites and apps using OData, an industry standard REST API to access any type of data source.
Accessing OData data sources with Progress DataDirect Cloud solves connectivity and integration challenges. Now, developers can spend more time building amazing apps and less time learning new web services APIs. In short, KendoUI is your web developer’s new best friend.
Inside Look: Join Progress and Chris Woodruff, host of Through a Wire Podcast, to discover how accessing OData data sources with Progress DataDirect Cloud simplifies connectivity and integration so you can build amazing apps faster.
Title: Binding KendoUI to Any Data with OData
Date: August 4, 2016
Time: 12:00 pm ET
Darryl Wilson, Progress DataDirect
Chris Woodruff, Through a Wire Podcast
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