The demand for mobile app development is growing rapidly. While storing, accessing, syncing and securing your mobile app’s data is critical, executing on these requirements can be difficult with legacy technologies.
In this webinar, we’ll use the healthcare industry as an example to take you through common mobile use cases and how major industries are solving for today’s mobile challenges. Specifically, we’ll discuss why some of the largest healthcare companies are moving away from legacy technologies to Couchbase Mobile NoSQL to power their mobile apps.
We’ll explore real-world use cases that span all industries, including:
- Viewing customer information electronically, tracking data over time, and making decisions based on real-time data regardless of network connectivity
- Solving key challenges like interoperability between different locations, offline support for field employees, and data synchronization across all types of devices
- Offline data access, digitization of assets, and content delivery
Register for “Solving Key Mobile Development Challenges with NoSQL.”
Date: Thursday, August 25, 2016
Time: 10:00 AM British Summer Time
Duration: 1 hour
Ali LeClerc, Product Marketing Manager, Mobile at Couchbase
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