Red Hat Forum Benelux 2016

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Come to the Red Hat Forum in 2016 to make your voice heard where it matters most. It's where you get insider access to the people and knowledge at the very heart of open source innovation. And it's where we connect passionate people from very different backgrounds to collaborate and solve the same problems. That's the power of participation. That's the 2016 Red Hat Forum. Learn. Network. Experience Open Source.

Join us in Breda on Tuesday 11th of October to learn more about the latest and greatest in cloud computing, platform, virtualization, middleware, storage, and systems management technologies.
Highlights include:
- Keynotes from industry thought leaders
- Customer case studies
- Technical breakouts
- Partner exhibition
- Peer to peer networking

11 October 2016
8.15 - 18.00

Chasse Theater
Claudius Prinsenlaan 8
4811 DK Breda

