More and more of your customers require near real-time access to the data that resides in their mission-critical systems, including your OpenEdge applications. If you can’t meet this ‘data replication’ need, or you are simply referring or reselling a 3rd party solution, then you are leaving money on the table.
The best solution is to offer near real-time data replication as a branded, integrated, ‘check box’ option within your application. This will always have a higher perceived value than the equivalent 3rd party add-on, but doing this yourself comes at a heavy price: a significant and sustained R&D investment which adds cost, reduces margins, and diverts resources away from your core solutions.
In this webinar, we will show how you can deliver near real-time data replication as an integrated ‘check box’ option in your application which offers:
- Proven, reliable and secure OpenEdge data replication to MS-SQL Server, Oracle and/or OpenEdge targets
- A dramatic reduction in the risk, R&D costs and resources required to build and maintain a solution internally
- Significantly higher margins across a broader range of customer sizes than a referral or third-party reseller agreement
You’ll also hear from a Progress partner in the UK who’s recently embedded this technology into a solution and is already seeing significant end-user adoption.
Date: Thursday 10th November 2016
Time: 3pm CET
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