The OutSystems Jump Start workshop, offers a hands-on learning experience using OutSystems Platform, the enterprise Rapid Application Delivery (RAD) platform.
Why attend?
This free workshop will enable you to gain an understanding of how to plan, develop, deploy, change and manage enterprise-grade mobile and web applications using the visually-driven, high productivity platform in real-life scenarios.
What will I learn?
The workshop includes several demos, exercises and lots of Q&A time for you to get all your questions answered. Following an introduction, you will learn about:
Creating web and mobile applications from scratch
Lifecycle management of web and mobile applications: estimating, developing, deploying, changing and monitoring
Collaboration and teamwork
Integration with external systems: web-services, SAP and external databases
Change management, impact analysis and versioning
Security and authentication
Monitoring web applications, troubleshooting and performance tuning
Gathering user feedback
Who should attend?
Web Developers, Architects and Technical Leads (without previous hands-on experience and/or training on OutSystems Platform).
Donderdag 22 november
OutSystems Nederland
Groenewoudsedijk 61
3528 BK Utrecht
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