The adaptation rate of API’s is truly amazing, it’s exponential, and with good reasons. API’s allow for fast and flexible integration; they enable the benefits of all the good stuff cloud has to offer (drive innovations and revenue!) and protect your investments in your existing IT.
There are a lot of projects and initiatives that would not have been successful or even possible without modern API’s:
Open up legacy systems to the outside world;
Connect your cloud/SaaS applications with your On-Premise systems;
Create Mobile Access;
Enable big data projects and IoT initiatives;
Close integration with business partners across the value chain;
And many more.
All that growth of API’s comes with a risk: API’s are not secure by definition so how do you fit your API strategy into your Security Architecture and still grab all the benefits API’s have to offer?
That is the subject we want to discuss with you at the API Security Summit to be held on March 15th, 2016 in Amsterdam at “Loetje aan ‘t IJ”.
Date: Thursday, March 15th, 2017
Time: 1:30 PM - 05:00 PM
Location: Loetje aan ‘t IJ, Amsterdam
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