Cloud computing platforms (and Azure especially) are great for running micro services.
You don't want to spend a lot of time managing infrastructural services like an event bus, storage solutions and virtual machines. So why not use Azure to run your Java based microservices?
In this live session I will show you how you use Spring Boot and several features from Microsoft Azure to build applications with microservices.
Spring Boot makes Spring based application development easier by automating and encapsulating complexities such as dependency and configuration management. Most Spring Boot applications need very little Spring configuration.
This webinar will help you to better understand how to build a microservices architecture on Java scalable apps - and how easy using Azure can make it for you.
March 21, 2017 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
18 t/m 20 november 2024Praktische workshop met internationaal gerenommeerde spreker Alec Sharp over het modelleren met Entity-Relationship vanuit business perspectief. De workshop wordt ondersteund met praktijkvoorbeelden en duidelijke, herbruikbare ...
De DAMA DMBoK2 beschrijft 11 disciplines van Data Management, waarbij Data Governance centraal staat. De Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP) certificatie biedt een traject voor het inleidende niveau (Associate) tot en met hogere niveaus van...
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