Red Hat, Inc., wereldwijd aanbieder van open source oplossingen, heeft aangekondigd dat een definitieve overeenkomst is gesloten voor de overname van Ansible, Inc., leverancier van oplossingen voor IT automation en DevOps. Ansible's automation mogeli...
OSCON is where all of the pieces come together: developers, innovators, businesspeople and investors. Dig deep in the power of open source26, 27, 28 oktoberAmsterdam RAIEuropapleinMeer informatie:
After having looked into Vagrant, it became clear that Puppet and Chef are "the" tools to do the structured and repeatable configuration of machines. I picked the recent book "Learning Chef" to learn and experiment a bit. Tools The book uses ...
Het modelleren met toenemende mate van detaillering, de analyse en het (her)ontwerp van business processen. Praktische training met methoden, technieken, valkuilen en best practices door dé autoriteit op dit terrein, Alec Sharp. Drie intensieve dagen op 10, 11 en 14 april in Utrecht.
After looking a bit into Docker, I went on to look into Vagrant, another well-known tool to provision and configure virtual machines.To learn about Vagrant, I read the book "Vagrant: Up and Running". This O'Reilly book is well-written and t...
Devops and tools such as Docker, Vagrant, Chef, Puppet and Ansible were on my radar for a while. And now I finally have some time to dive into these topics. Nested VMs Not to mess up my machine, I use VMWare workstation to spin up some test mach...