OutSystems customers are doing amazing things with our low-code platform, and listening to them talk about what they have done is a really cool part of my job. Over the years, they've built a wide variety of solutions with OutSystems.For example, the...
OutSystems is door onderzoeksbureau Ovum benoemd tot marktleider in het 2018-2019 Ovum Decision Matrix (ODM) for enterprise mobile application development platforms (MADP). De ODM heeft acht MADP-oplossingen vergeleken op het gebied van marktuitvoeri...
Enterprises today are embarking on a journey of venturing into new possibilities of application development to meet their business demands. The adoption of low-code application development platforms is the way to go in this rapidly moving world. Whil...
Deze workshop introduceert conceptmodellering vanuit een non-technisch perspectief, geeft tips en richtlijnen voor de analist, en verkent datamodellering op conceptueel en logisch niveau met behulp van technieken die betrokkenheid maximaliseren. Praktische workshop van een halve dag op 3 april in Utrecht - schrijf snel in!
Rather than being a skill, a position you can hire in your IT department, or a specific tool you can purchase, DevOps is a culture-shifting paradigm. The goals are to add increased value for the customer and to enable organizations to react faster to...
OutSystems lanceert de Digital Transformation Hub, een online kenniscentrum om organisaties te ondersteunen bij digitale transformatie-initiatieven. De hub bevat onderzoeken, analistenrapporten van Gartner, Forrester en IDC, peer-to-peer succesverhal...
Join OutSystems and Jason Bloomberg, President of Intellyx, expert on agile digital transformation, as we unveil the Low-Code Digital Factory. This new approach provides ready-to-go guidance on how to accelerate digital transformation with low-code. ...
Join OutSystems and guest speakers as we explore what it takes for IT and digital leaders to embrace fearless innovation. You’ll hear from Brian Roche, VP Products at Cognizant, and Board Staff Member for the Cloud Foundry Foundation, an expert in ...
Digital Transformation is the #1 issue for two-thirds of Global 2000 CEOs, and yet 90% of CIOs admit digital transformation is coming up short. Join OutSystems and Jason Bloomberg, President of Intellyx, an expert on agile digital transformation, and...
Software development is changing. The image of a developer chained to a desk, hand-coding and struggling, no longer needs to happen. Developers have been brainwashed into being unproductive because someone - not mentioning any names - had them believ...
Motiv ICT Security zet een nieuw onafhankelijk label in de markt: NXTApps. NXTApps is een volgende stap van het bedrijf in de ontwikkeling van veilige, mobiele en/of maatwerkapplicaties die klanten helpt hun digitale transformatie te versnellen.Rohal...