The value of DevOps can be tremendous. In this webinar, we will explain and further explore the different DevOps journeys that organizations embark upon. For example, this can include already working with Agile or Waterfall. By placing these journeys within the context of your organization, you will learn how to recognize and leverage what you may already be doing. DevOps journeys result in amazing abilities, such as more frequent deployments, shorter lead times, increased reliability and much more. To put it simply, embarking on your own DevOps journey is imperative for survival in today’s digital marketplace.
While each journey is unique, there are some universal experiences shared amongst all who set down the DevOps path. We will discuss the underlying principles and concepts of the different journeys. Even though those who embark on the road to DevOps come from different schools of thought, we find that all journeys strive towards the same common goals: optimizing the agility of the organization by anticipating change, reducing the time to market of new features, products and business models, and delivering the highest possible customer value while focusing on quality at the source.
About this Webinar
Quint invites you to attend this webinar to learn about the four DevOps journeys to agility and continuity, and how to best get started on yours.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
10:00 am (New York - Eastern) | 9:00 am (Chicago - Central) | 8:00 am (Denver - Mountain) | 7:00 am (San Francisco - Pacific)
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